Salvati 50%
Oja semipermanenta Canni, Jade Fat, 16 ml, C060 Colectia de oja semipermanenta, Jade Fat Series de la Canni te va surprinde cu 6 nuante de nude cu subton roz si maro. Se vor asorta in orice moment si sunt potrivite oricarei tinute. Rezistenta de pana la 4 saptamani. Ideale pentru uz...
MarcaCanni GamaJade Fat Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj16 ml
14.99 Lei 7.49 Lei
Discount: 7.50 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
GLOW brand products are professional lighting that improves the performance of services both in beauty salons and medical offices. It offers a wide selection of specialist lamps, including UV/LED and treatment lamps, necessary for precise work. A practical way to beautiful nails...


Lampa led unghii
MarcaGLOW GamaLampa led unghii Tip produsLampa led unghii
115.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 833 Produs(e)
Salvati 50%
Perie par natural, MJB20 Peria profesionala LRP din par natural realizata cu peri ce au varfurile rezistente la caldura, te va ajuta sa iti aranjezi parul indiferent de ocazie. Poate pastra si transmite usor caldura, cooperand cu uscatorul de par pentru a crea o coafura...
MarcaLila Rossa Tip produsPerie unghii, Perie de par
26.00 Lei 13.00 Lei
Discount: 13.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 541 Produs(e)
Caracteristici: - confectionat din otel inoxidabil - include 2 capete: un capat rotunjit si un capat ascutit - folositi capatul rotunjit pentru a impinge cuticula si capatul ascutit pentru a indeparta cuticula - se poate folosi pentru pedichiura sau manichiura profesionala...
MarcaLila Rossa Tip produsInstrument metalic
3.90 Lei
Disponibilitate: 7542 Produs(e)
Set 3 oje Lilac Hema free, colectia Pastel Lilac HEMA Free este o linie de oja semipermanenta special conceputa pentru a fi utilizata de persoanele cu sensibilitate la HEMA (monomerul hidroxietil metacrilat). Aceasta oja semipermanenta ofera un aspect stralucitor si durabil,...


Hema Free
MarcaLilac GamaHema Free Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj6 g
89.90 Lei 44.95 Lei
Discount: 44.95 Lei
Disponibilitate: 8 Produs(e)
Salvati 40%
professional hairdressing car wash - stable, extremely comfortable, solidly constructed. modern design makes it a beautiful complement to the equipment of a modern hairdressing salon. a seat with a streamlined shape, made of high-quality, easy-to-care-for eco-leather. the...
MarcaGABBIANO GamaScafa coafor frizerie Tip produsScafa coafor frizerie
5,069.00 Lei 3,041.40 Lei
Discount: 2,027.60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 3 Produs(e)
Salvati 30%
smart device is a simple and reliable device, necessary in every beauty salon. is used for treatments with high-frequency currents - d'aarsonval currents darsonval uses high-frequency currents, whose action primarily affects blood vessels. during the treatment, ozone is released,...
MarcaACTIVESHOP Tip produsElectroderm cosmetic
527.00 Lei 368.90 Lei
Discount: 158.10 Lei
Disponibilitate: 57 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Gabbiano is a luxurious Italian brand of hairdressing equipment and furniture, distinguished by reliability, quality and aesthetics, as well as high comfort of use. The offer includes a large selection of functional salon equipment elements, such as armchairs, hair washes and infrazones....


MarcaGABBIANO GamaWZ2 Tip produsCap pracatica
121.00 Lei 96.80 Lei
Discount: 24.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 131 Produs(e)
GLOW brand products are professional lighting that improves the performance of services both in beauty salons and medical offices. It offers a wide selection of specialist lamps, including UV/LED and treatment lamps, necessary for precise work. A practical way to beautiful nails...


Lampa led unghii
MarcaGlow GamaLampa led unghii Tip produsLampa led unghii
115.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 606 Produs(e)
NAIL POLISH REMOVER   Professional liquid for removing enamel and varnishes from the nail plate.   Capacity: 500 ml  


OCHO Nails
MarcaOCHO NAILS GamaOCHO Nails Tip produsSoak off remover Gramaj500 ml
34.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 177 Produs(e)
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