Salvati 20%
the hairdressing cape is made of high quality material (100% polyesrer), so that the hair does not stick, but slides over the surface of the cape. fastening is durable and adjustable with metal pins.


Pelerina tuns frizerie
MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaPelerina tuns frizerie Tip produsPelerina tuns frizerie
38.00 Lei 30.40 Lei
Discount: 7.60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 76 Produs(e)
Baza cu vascozitate ridicata, flexibila si rezistenta. Baza Gummy poate fi folosita ca baza pentru oja semipermanenta si gel, dar se poate folosi si pentru intarire unghiei naturale sau prelungirea acesteia printr-o extensie de mici dimensiuni. Mod de utilizare: - Matuiti...
MarcaLila Rossa GamaGummy Base Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj7 g
39.99 Lei
Disponibilitate: 26 Produs(e)
Noua oja semipermanenta cu o formula matasoasa, cu textura ideala si intens pigmentata, se aplica usor ca si culoare peste orice...
MarcaPIKO GamaPiko Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj7 g
19.99 Lei 9.99 Lei
Discount: 10.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 127 Produs(e)
Salvati 51%
Set folii de transfer Lila Rossa, Magic Winter Collection, 10 buc Folia de transfer este un element de nail art destinat decorului unghilor ce te ajuta sa aduci un plus de inspiratie manichiurii. Poate fi folosita atat pe unghiile tehnice, cat si cele naturale. Gasesti o gama diversa,...
MarcaLila Rossa Tip produsFolie de transfer TematicaCraciun si Revelion, Iarna
20.00 Lei 9.90 Lei
Discount: 10.10 Lei
Disponibilitate: 4 Produs(e)
Piko HEMA Free este o linie de oja semipermanenta, special conceputa pentru a fi utilizata de persoanele cu sensibilitate la HEMA (monomerul hidroxietil metacrilat). Aceasta oja semipermanenta ofera un aspect stralucitor si durabil, cu o rezistenta la rupere si decolorare imbunatatita....


Hema Free
MarcaPIKO GamaHema Free Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj7 g
24.90 Lei 12.45 Lei
Discount: 12.45 Lei
Disponibilitate: 12 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
stylish barber shop.  very comfortable, it fits perfectly into the interiors of elegant hairdressing and barber salons. very stable and solid. upholstery made of the highest quality black eco-leather.
MarcaGABBIANO GamaBarbershop Tip produsScafa coafor frizerie
5,032.00 Lei 4,025.60 Lei
Discount: 1,006.40 Lei
Disponibilitate: 19 Produs(e)
Salvati 43%
Ofera eleganta si unicitate manichiurii tale, adaugand un plus de stralucire cu ajutorul accesoriilor decorative. Cu siguranta decoratiunile pentru unghii sunt o optiune perfecta daca iti doresti sa iesi in evidenta. Sunt usor de utilizat atat cu lac de unghii, cat si cu gel UV,...
MarcaLila Rossa Tip produsCarusel
7.00 Lei 3.99 Lei
Discount: 3.01 Lei
Disponibilitate: 594 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Durability and usability This golden stool has a comfortable white seat covered with ecological leather. It is supported by a stable five-leg base. Made of metal alloys, it is durable and resistant to damage. The seat height is efficiently regulated. Plastic wheels allow you to easily...


MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaH7 Tip produsScaun cosmeticiana
483.00 Lei 386.40 Lei
Discount: 96.60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 188 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
NGHIA offers stainless steel products, including professional manicure tools, which significantly improve the quality of everyday life of beauty industry customers. The brand's goal is to effectively meet consumer needs by offering the highest quality products. Precision nail tool...


Nghia Export
MarcaNGHIA GamaNghia Export Tip produsCleste unghii
179.00 Lei 143.20 Lei
Discount: 35.80 Lei
Disponibilitate: 648 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
SNIPPEX brand offers a wide range of cosmetic tools necessary for any salon. Professional accessories such as cuticle nippers, hoofs and tweezers, thanks to their high quality workmanship, will ensure comfort and precision during treatments. Thanks to the ease of use, SNIPPEX cosmetic tools...


MarcaSnippex GamaSnippex Tip produsInstrumente cuticule
19.00 Lei 15.20 Lei
Discount: 3.80 Lei
Disponibilitate: 443 Produs(e)
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