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Oja semipermanenta Canni 3D Cat Eye A16 Un efect WOW pe unghiile tale datorita colectiei 3D Cat Eye de la Canni. Aceasta colectie deosebita te intampina cu 6 nuante pline de stralucire, potrivite evenimentelor importante din viata ta. Rezistenta de pana la 3-4 saptamani! Mod...
MarcaCanni Gama3D Cat Eye Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj7.3 ml
9.99 Lei 4.99 Lei
Discount: 5.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 251 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
paraffin wax machine is a sensational device designed for hand and foot care using paraffin. it is extremely easy to use and is perfect for a beauty salon as well as for home use. paraffin has a smoothing and softening effect on the epidermis, improves skin elasticity and firmness,...


Kit Parafina cu incalzitor
MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaKit Parafina cu incalzitor Tip produsKit Parafina cu incalzitor
256.00 Lei 204.80 Lei
Discount: 51.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1402 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Every time you do a pedicure, there are billions of dust and dead skin particles, fungi and bacteria in the air that you inhale. Thanks to the MOMO 6606 pedicure dust absorber, you can be sure that you will not feel dust and dead skin or foot fungus and bacteria. The MOMO 6606 absorber is the...
MarcaMOMO GamaAspirator manichiură Tip produsAspirator manichiură
801.00 Lei 640.80 Lei
Discount: 160.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 159 Produs(e)
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Woson is a reputable manufacturer of high-quality medical and cosmetic equipment. The brand supplies beauty salons, tattoo studios, hospitals and clinics with professional devices used in the sterilization process, thus guaranteeing the maximum level of safety and hygiene for the...
MarcaWOSON GamaSterilizator autoclav Tip produsSterilizator autoclav
10,669.00 Lei 7,468.30 Lei
Discount: 3,200.70 Lei
Disponibilitate: 166 Produs(e)
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Unique black cosmetic stool with a quilted seat and comfortable backrest. metal elements sparkle with golden color. it is height-adjustable and the arm-like base is equipped with solid metal-rubber wheels. Gold elements are coated with lacquer. Mechanical damage to the coating is...


MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaAM-961 Tip produsScaun cosmeticiana
574.00 Lei 459.20 Lei
Discount: 114.80 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1160 Produs(e)
Salvati 29%
Umidificator si difuzor aromaterapie LilaCare, ultrasonic, 300 ml, bej Acest umidificator elegant, unic in felul sau, este un accesoriu elegant pentru orice casa! Incurajarea unui somn mai profund si mai odihnitor! Atunci cand folositi un aparat umidificator, aveti...
MarcaLila Care Tip produsDifuzor de aroma
49.00 Lei 34.90 Lei
Discount: 14.10 Lei
Disponibilitate: 316 Produs(e)
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Solid Gel Piko: - poate fi aplicat ca si culoare pe toata unghia sau poate fi folosit pentru diferite tehnici de pictura sau nailart; - are densitate crescuta si textura cremoasa; - este ambalat in paleta, cate 3 culori si usor de aplicat datorita texturii cremoase; - nu...


Solid Gel
MarcaPIKO GamaSolid Gel Tip produsGel UV Gramaj10 g
14.90 Lei 7.45 Lei
Discount: 7.45 Lei
Disponibilitate: 857 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
modern hair system chair by hair system. elegant and very comfortable. a solid, chrome base guarantees the stability of the seat. upholstery made of high-quality black eco-leather. the chair is adjustable up and down
MarcaHAIR SYSTEM GamaScaun coafor si frizerie Tip produsScaun coafor si frizerie
1,210.00 Lei 968.00 Lei
Discount: 242.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 223 Produs(e)
Salvati 30%
cds-100 ultrasonic cleaner for disinfecting cosmetic accessories, in particular microdermabrasion heads, cutters, etc., as well as dental and cosmetic tools. washcloths are widely used and will prove useful not only in cosmetology or medicine. apart from very high washing efficiency and...
MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaSterilizator cu ultrasunete Tip produsSterilizator cu ultrasunete
461.00 Lei 322.70 Lei
Discount: 138.30 Lei
Disponibilitate: 173 Produs(e)


Hema Free
MarcaVenalisa GamaHema Free Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj7.5 ml
14.90 Lei
Disponibilitate: 209 Produs(e)
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