Unghiile sunt oglinda noastra, de aceea produsele din categoria manichiura pedichiura sunt atent selectionate de Lila Rossa. Astfel, transmitem prin limbaj non-verbal feminitatea noastra, respectul si iubirea de sine pe care ne-o purtam si, totodata, starea noastra de spirit se schimba. In momentul in care ne ingrijim manichiura si pedichiura, ne simtim mai bine, putem fi mai increzatoare in propriile noastre puteri si putem avea incredere ca putem face tot ce ne propunem!

La Lila Rossa gasesti tot ce ai nevoie pentru o manichiura perfecta, ca la salon, chiar la tine acasa. Nu mai este nevoie sa cheltui bani in saloanele de manichiura si pedichiura si sa pierzi timp pe drum, asteptand in trafic. De acum poti avea unghii perfecte, usor, la preturi foarte accesibile si in confortul casei tale.

Gasesti tot ce ai nevoie pentru manichiura si pedichiura pe site-ul nostru, de la oja semipermanenta si geluri unghii la lampa unghii si unghii false.

Daca iti doresti produse de calitate, care sa reziste un timp indelungat, poti fi sigura ca produsele de la Lila Rossa sunt alegerea corecta.

Avem o gama larga de oje semipermanente si geluri color, dar si uv din care poti alege. Suntem adeptii inovatiei si creativitatii, asa ca vei gasi la noi multe produse pentru nail art, stampile, pensule speciale si stickere. Sanatatea unghiilor este foarte importanta, asa ca vei gasi tot felul de tratamente de unghii si uleiuri pentru cuticule. Descopera si tot ce ai nevoie pentru a da forma dorita unghiei si a o pregati pentru procesul de stilizare: forfecute unghii, pile unghii, pile electrice si multe buffere din care sa alegi. Tot la Lila Rossa vei gasi tot ce ai nevoie pentru indepartarea ojei. Nu am uitat nici de persoanele care prefera oja clasica, asa ca vei gasi multe culori din care sa alegi, la o calitate exceptionala.

Lila Rossa este aici pentru tine, oferim mai mult decat produse de calitate. Inspiram un stil de viata mai usor si oameni mai fericiti!

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a modern cosmetic chair that provides comfort during the treatment not only to patients but also to the persons performing the treatment. ideal for podiatry surgeries equipped with electric motors enabling quick and convenient adjustment of the chair.  ° side-to-side footrests....


Azzurro 709A
MarcaAzzurro GamaAzzurro 709A Tip produsScaun pedichiura
11,569.00 Lei 9,255.20 Lei
Discount: 2,313.80 Lei
Disponibilitate: 15 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Are you having problems with the durability of your styling and need a product that will allow you to create a really resistant and durable manicure? Or are you looking for a formula that is fabulously easy and fun to work with? Rubber Gel from Claresa is a product with exceptional...


MarcaCLARESA GamaClaresa Tip produsGel de Constructie Gramaj90 g
136.00 Lei 108.80 Lei
Discount: 27.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 32 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
dust-free swabs dust-free swabs, 12 layers necessary for nail styling with gel and acrylic methods. while rinsing, they effectively remove unnecessary dust from the nail plate and do not leave any dust on the nails themselves . packed in a disposable acrylic box. perfect and necessary in...
28.00 Lei 22.40 Lei
Discount: 5.60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 708 Produs(e)
Salvati 50%
Srong Gel este un gel de constructie de o calitate superioara, nu curge in cuticula, se pileste usor si se usuca rapid la lampa. Este ideal pentru construirea unghiilor tehnice, naturale dar si pentru tehnica fara pilire. Este un gel flexibil, ceea ce il confera o rezistenta foarte buna la...


Strong Gel
MarcaLila Rossa GamaStrong Gel Tip produsGel de Constructie Gramaj50 g
119.90 Lei 59.95 Lei
Discount: 59.95 Lei
Disponibilitate: 40 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Are you having problems with the durability of your styling and need a product that will allow you to create a really resistant and durable manicure? Or are you looking for a formula that is fabulously easy and fun to work with? Rubber Gel from Claresa is a product with exceptional...


MarcaCLARESA GamaClaresa Tip produsGel de Constructie Gramaj90 g
136.00 Lei 108.80 Lei
Discount: 27.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 27 Produs(e)
Salvati 50%
Oja semipermanenta SensatioNail 10.5 ml Made Him Blush Alege oja semipermanenta profesionala de calitate premium de la brandul american: SensatioNail , lider in produse pentru manichiura. Cum se aplica : Pregatirea unghiei 1. Folositi un instrument pentru a impinge cuticula. 2....


MarcaSensationail GamaSensatioNail
9.90 Lei 4.95 Lei
Discount: 4.95 Lei
Disponibilitate: 506 Produs(e)
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aroma diffuser spa-01 humidifier is the perfect solution for aromatherapy. made of high-quality components, it has a modern, simple form, so you can easily find a place for it at any point in the room. you will love both the external appearance and the pleasant smell that comes from it,...


Difuzor aromaterapie
MarcaACTIVESHOP GamaDifuzor aromaterapie Tip produsDifuzor aromaterapie
117.00 Lei 93.60 Lei
Discount: 23.40 Lei
Disponibilitate: 163 Produs(e)
EXO cutters are a high-quality accessory, made of the best components available. Precision in the production process makes working with them easy and safe. It should be remembered that with a properly selected cutter, we can easily remove the hybrid from the nail surface, give them the desired...


MarcaEXO GamaSandStone Tip produsCapat freza unghii
7.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 894 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
foot grater intended for use at home and beauty salons. Incredibly sharp blades made of high-quality stainless steel, double-sided (various gradations), lightweight construction and ergonomic handle ensure maximum comfort at removing hard and callous epidermis from the heels and...
MarcaACTIVESHOP Tip produsPila de Calcaie
40.00 Lei 32.00 Lei
Discount: 8.00 Lei
Disponibilitate: 95 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
Claresa hybrid varnish NEON 14 Neon 14 is a hybrid varnish reminiscent of red oranges straight from the sun-scorched Sicily. Red with orange in the neon version is a juicy color that no one will pass by indifferently. This color is a strong dose of energy and positive vibrations. Claresa...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 17 Produs(e)
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