Unghiile sunt oglinda noastra, de aceea produsele din categoria manichiura pedichiura sunt atent selectionate de Lila Rossa. Astfel, transmitem prin limbaj non-verbal feminitatea noastra, respectul si iubirea de sine pe care ne-o purtam si, totodata, starea noastra de spirit se schimba. In momentul in care ne ingrijim manichiura si pedichiura, ne simtim mai bine, putem fi mai increzatoare in propriile noastre puteri si putem avea incredere ca putem face tot ce ne propunem!

La Lila Rossa gasesti tot ce ai nevoie pentru o manichiura perfecta, ca la salon, chiar la tine acasa. Nu mai este nevoie sa cheltui bani in saloanele de manichiura si pedichiura si sa pierzi timp pe drum, asteptand in trafic. De acum poti avea unghii perfecte, usor, la preturi foarte accesibile si in confortul casei tale.

Gasesti tot ce ai nevoie pentru manichiura si pedichiura pe site-ul nostru, de la oja semipermanenta si geluri unghii la lampa unghii si unghii false.

Daca iti doresti produse de calitate, care sa reziste un timp indelungat, poti fi sigura ca produsele de la Lila Rossa sunt alegerea corecta.

Avem o gama larga de oje semipermanente si geluri color, dar si uv din care poti alege. Suntem adeptii inovatiei si creativitatii, asa ca vei gasi la noi multe produse pentru nail art, stampile, pensule speciale si stickere. Sanatatea unghiilor este foarte importanta, asa ca vei gasi tot felul de tratamente de unghii si uleiuri pentru cuticule. Descopera si tot ce ai nevoie pentru a da forma dorita unghiei si a o pregati pentru procesul de stilizare: forfecute unghii, pile unghii, pile electrice si multe buffere din care sa alegi. Tot la Lila Rossa vei gasi tot ce ai nevoie pentru indepartarea ojei. Nu am uitat nici de persoanele care prefera oja clasica, asa ca vei gasi multe culori din care sa alegi, la o calitate exceptionala.

Lila Rossa este aici pentru tine, oferim mai mult decat produse de calitate. Inspiram un stil de viata mai usor si oameni mai fericiti!

Salvati 20%
Intensively softening foot beads with AHA and BHA acids Specialist foot bath beads based on 99% urea with AHA and BHA acids. Intensively soften calloused epidermis making it easier to remove during podiatric and pedicure treatments. Enriched with fir extract and essential oils of eucalyptus...
MarcaAPIS Tip produsCreme Gramaj800 g
116.00 Lei 92.80 Lei
Discount: 23.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 30 Produs(e)
Salvati 53%
Mod de utilizare a matritei pentru stampila: Indepartati folia albastra de pe suprafata matritei. Curatati matrita cu un servetel umezit cu cleaner sau acetona. Aplicati oja pentru stampila pe modelul dorit. Cu ajutorul cardului special, fixat la un unghi de 45 de grade, indepartati...
MarcaKONAD GamaKonad Stamp Tip produsMatrite pentru unghii TematicaFlori, Linii si forme
19.08 Lei 8.99 Lei
Discount: 10.09 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid nail polish FLUO 5 Candy pink in a bright edition is the color just right for you? In that case, you will definitely not resist our latest hybrid varnish in a distinctive, intense pink color. The wonderful color will be perfect not only in summer, but also as a distinctive...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 35 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid Polish Winter Wonderland 3 - 5g PROPERTIES: trouble-free application, without flooding the cuticles intense gloss ideal, medium density safe for nails and hands durability even up to 3 weeks capacity: 5 g APPLICATION On a previously cured Claresa hybrid base, apply a...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 1 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid Polish Make a Wish 8 -5g Although it is red that is most associated with the Lunar New Year, the coming Year of the Wood Dragon will also bring us luck with green. It symbolizes connection with nature, vitality and harmony. Make a wish 8 is a cool green with flecks, which is...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 12 Produs(e)
Salvati 30%
Used during podiatric procedures to hold a scalpel blade. It consists of a corrugated handle and a handle for holding the blade. The tool has slightly rounded and unsharpened edges so that working with it does not tire the hand. The scalpel holder is used in both podiatry and medicine. Product...
62.00 Lei 43.40 Lei
Discount: 18.60 Lei
Disponibilitate: 15 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid nail polish MINT 4 Quadruple mint madness? Why not! Let yourself be carried away by four shades of mint green and eucalyptus blue with the collection of Mint hybrid polishes. Bright, pastel green? Cool bright blue? Or maybe a broken milky wet shade? Which of them will be hosted...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 23 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid nail polish RED 420 Violet, navy blue, amaranth and crimson - these are the colors of ripe, full berries that inspired us to create the FULL collection BERRIES. Elegant shades of pink, purple and brown are a proposal for women who value class and chic as well as a durable...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 5 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid nail polish CANDY 7 Pastel colors have always had an important place in your heart? So you definitely need to find some space for the Candy 7 hybrid varnish. A wonderful, pastel-pink color is a must have. A wonderful, sweet color will work not only in spring and summer hybrid...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 8 Produs(e)
Salvati 20%
CLARESA Hybrid nail polish FALLIN "LOVE 7 Fallin 'Love is a collection of 13 colors in shades of light and dark powder rose and beige. The exception is 4 shimmering with warm gold shades of red and yellow, which are a perfect addition to other, calm shades. August and September are the...
MarcaCLARESA Tip produsOja semipermanenta Gramaj5 g
26.00 Lei 20.80 Lei
Discount: 5.20 Lei
Disponibilitate: 10 Produs(e)
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